Marina da Gama is such a gorgeous suburb with numerous green spaces and wonderful nature to enjoy. But many of us come unstuck when trying to beautify our own spaces. Gardening in the sandy soils of Marina da Gama isn’t for the faint-hearted. Long time resident, Jenny Wilkinson, wrote “Gardens in the sand”, which was published in 2014 and is an enormous help to any Marina gardener.
Resident, Tina Roberts, is planning a community garden in Baalen Close in Uitsig and has spent a lot of time researching which plants grow best in our suburb. She spent time looking at gardens and taking photographs of plants. She then approached Jenny to help her identify the plants. Below you will find photographs of plants, with their names, to help you with your gardening efforts. And then, as Jenny says in her book: Compost! Compost! Compost! And then: Mulch! Mulch! Mulch!
Rosemary Chasmanthe aethiopica [Cobra lily] Sanseveria (mother-in-laws tongue) Euphorbia tirucalli (fire stick plant)
Pelargonium Spekboom Limonium Perezii (Sea Lavender or Statice) Aloe arborescens (Krantz aloe) Aloidendron barberae
To give you a little inspiration, Marina resident, Margaret Richings, has a wonderful verge with a plethora of waterwise plants.